Invitation From Josui Kaikan South Africa

POINT & KO Challenge

Dear Shihan/Sensei/Senpai, Kohai


Greetings and the very best of wishes come to you from International Josui Kaikan South Africa.

We are hosting our Championship tournament on Saturday 3 August 2019 at Multi Purpose Centre, Eersterivier and we would like you and your team participating with us.

This tournament will run on the Full Contact POINT & K.O system of karate. THIS IS A KATA & KUMITE EVENT.

Confirmation of your intent to participate by 27 July 2019 would be appreciated.


Entry Fees:

All categories  :           R200.00

Spectators       :           All R20.00       

Please note that no late entries will be accepted. The entry fee for competitors must be paid in by 6 August 2019. Account numbers FNB 62350339125 Josui Kaikan South Africa.


Starting Time:

All competitors and officials to be at the venue by 8.30am. Tournament to start at 9am sharp.



Traditional katas

Kumite/Sabaki katas


Kumite Divisions:

All competitors will be matched by age, height, weight where possible.

Age 5/6                                   : Two weight groups

Age 7/8                                   : Two weight groups

Age 9/10                                 : Two weight groups

Age 11/12                               : Two weight groups

Age 13/14                               : Two weight groups

Age 15/16                               : Two weight groups

Age 17/18                               : Two weight groups

19/20                                       : -55, -65, +65kg

21/Over                                   : 65 and beyond


Rules and necessities

  • It is our desire not to compete with colour belts. It would thus be appreciated if you encourage your members to leave their belts at home. Shiro (WHITE) or Aka(RED)
  • Under 13 - headgear, gloves, shin pads
  • 13-18 – gloves and shin pads
  • Over 18 – shin pads and groin guard

We will most gladly assist with headgear should your students not have.


Yours sincerely                                                                  

The executive committee